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Front_: succession of the types of fortification on the face

Ouvrages_: name of important fortifications CORF

CORF_A++: fortification CORF with powerful artillery

CORF_A: fortification CORF with artillery

CORF_I: fortification CORF without artillery

FL_A: light fortification with artillery.

FL_I: light fortification without artillery.



The Maginot Line of 1940 is the unit heterogeneous consisted fortification CORF, powerful, and the light fortification (“fortification camelote?” writing Philippe Truttmann in his book “Wall of France”).

The CORF (Commission of Organization of the Strengthened Areas) is created on September 30, 1927. It is charged to implement the organization envisaged of the borders. I.e. that it draws the plans of the fortifications, makes study the new materials which must equip them, and proceeds to the realization of the unit. This is why we give the qualifier of “works CORF” to these fortifications, in opposition to the constructions not CORF, light, built after 1935.

Since 1935, the budgetary restrictions helping, anti-fortifications CORF carry it, ratify the adjournments of blocks of artillery and are directed towards a “light” fortification, neither homogeneous nor effective.

Location of the fortifications

CORF with artillery

CORF without artillery

Observatory CORF

Casemate CORF

Shelter CORF

Before station

Not CORF of PR (PR: Position of Resistance: where the firepower is maximum)

Not CORF with artillery, of PR (Ex: RFM, STG, MOM, ex-allemande…)

Not CORF of the “second position” (behind the Position of Resistance)


Entrée_: entry of the men and/or the ammunition
B3: Block n°3
300 H: 300 men of crew

B: armament under concrete
C: armament under bell
T: armament under turret

Infanterie_: armament of infantry
FM: Rifle machine gunner
JM: Twinning of machine-guns
LG: launch grenades
Mo: mortar of 50mm
AC47: anti-tank gun of 47mm

Artillerie_: artillery armament
2.135: 2 lance bombs of 135
3.75: 3 guns of 75mm (75/33: 75 model 1933) 2.81: 2 mortars of 81mm

Observatoires_: armoured observatories
GFM: bell for guet and FM
VDP: Bell for the artillery (direct and periscopic vision)
VP: bell for the artillery (periscopic vision)


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I charge…

Eth, Sarts, Bersillies, Salmagne, Boussois, Ferté, Chesnois, Thonnelle, Velosnes, Firm Chappy, Fermont, Latiremont, Bad, Furnace, Brehain, Aumetz, Rochonvillers, Molvange, Immerhof, Soetrich, Karre, Kobenbusch, Oberheid, Galgenberg, Sentzich, Metrich, Billig, Hackenberg, Cuckoo, Welches Mount, Michelsberg, Hobling, Dung, Anzeling, Behrenbach, Bovenberg, Denting, Coume Mottenberg, Kerfent, Bambesch, Einseling, Laudrefang, Teting, High Pear tree, Welschhof, Rohrbach, Simserhof, Schiesseck, Otterbiel, Large Hohékirkel, Lembach, Furnace Lime, Hockwald, Schoenenbourg, Chatelard, Undermine Guns, Sapey, Gobain, Antoine, Laundrette, Not Rock, Arrondaz, Buffère, Granon, Janus, Gondran, Aittes, High St Bear, Lacroix Rock, Barns Common, Restefond, Moutière, Crous, Valette, Fressinea, Rimplas, Valdeblore, Serena, Cairo Large, Extremely, Gordolon, Flaut, Lower St Véran, Plan Caval, Béole, Déa, Agnon, Brouis, Monte Grosso, Champ Shooting, Agaisen, Saint Roch, Barbonnet, Castillon, Banquettes, Sainte Agnes, Garde, Agel, Roquebrune, Croupe of the Tank, Cape Martin

Work CORF with artillery.

Work CORF without artillery.

Element of the “line of the outposts”.

Element not CORF, of the “Position of resistance”.

Element not CORF, with artillery, of the “Position of resistance”.

Element not CORF, of the “Second position”.

Shelter for the troops of interval.

Casemate CORF.


Artillery shootings

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CORF without artillery

Observatory CORF

Shelters CORF





CORF with artillery

Casemate CORF

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