After war, the works partially destroyed not the Germans, during the occupation, are refitted, rearmed and regularly maintained.
For the moment we put only few documents in this page. But one thinks of better doing, later.
Camp of Bockange in 1964
I was with the 6th BMRG of Epinal, and I was sent to Bockange for the maintenance of the fortifications of 1962 to 1964.
The detachment of the fortifications of Bockange extended then on 80 km and related to the following works: Metrich, Billig, Hackenberg, Mount of Welches, Michelsberg, Anzeling, Dung, Bovenberg, Berenbach, Coume annex southern, Hobeling, Danting, Kerfent, Laudrefang and Teting.
We were a detachment of 4 soldiers with the adjudant Jacques P. assigned to the maintenance of the sector of Boulay. We had in loads the guns of 75, the guns of 135 and the mortars of 81 and casemates of Bourges.
Moreover, 2 workmen of State, civilians, had in load the small trains, the hoists, the factories of electricity, etc
I remember very well that we move with a carbide lamp chimney, in the galleries, to go to open the emergency exits where the buddies waited to be able to enter and maintain the mountings guns and machine-guns. They coated them with grease with full hands. One did not need a trace of rust!
1963. In front of the 4x4, Pierre Dunez is on the right and the adjudant P. (who did not wish to see his name on this page) is on the left.
June 1963. Nap in front of Berenbach (which one does not see unfortunately). Pierre Dunez is in the foreground, in front of Manuel O.
The order of disarmament of the fortifications dated March 3rd, 1964, is 3 days after my departure.
When, currently, I look at the photographs of the camp of Bockange and the works, I do not recognize anything any more: that abandoned waste lands and places. Too bad.
In 1963, to the camp of Bockange, the 408 battalion came from the services, returned from Algeria.
Between 1945 and 1964 the Maginot Line becomes again little by little operational.
Testimony of the soldier Pierre Dunez, affected with a team of guarding in 1963.
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Maginot line after 1945; Document carried out starting from elements of various origins: SHAT Vincennes - etc ER Cima ©2008
0_*; Local files; 1_*; Introduction; 2_*; Testimony