The works of the Maginot Line comprise, for the majority, of the more or less powerful generators which are with pneumatic starting. For the small groups, the air is compressed directly in the engine by a special catch, but for the more important engines (4 or 6 cylinders) this air is compressed by a compressor coupled with a small diesel engine. This last is used at the same time to actuate a dynamo which provides an emergency lighting.
In 1928 the Company Inhabitant of Lille of Engines (CLM) proposes the marketing of an engine, developed by Peugeot under Junkers licence, and promised with a bright future, at least in publicities of the time it is proclaimed!
Thus, since 1932, several engines of the type CLM 1 PJ 60 (PJ for Peugeot Junkers), robust and of low fuel consumption, are then built, in particular for the motorization of the first rail-cars, the remotorisation of the trucks left by the American army after the First World War, and, finally, the compression of the air necessary to the startup of the principal generators of the works of the Maginot Line.
CLM of the factory of Holy Agnes (SFAM). It is coupled with a generator (foreground). In background one can see his small cooling water tank.
CLM of the factory of Castillon (SFAM). It, is also coupled to him with a generator (foreground).
Mass (only, without accessories): 200 kg
Boring: 60 mm
Travel of the lower piston: 120 mm
Travel of the higher piston: 90 mm
Cubic capacity: 594 Cm3
Rotational frequencies to the idle: 250 tr/min
Rotational frequencies in normal circumstances: 1000 tr/min
Maximum mode: 1200 tr/min
Power: 5,9 kw with 1000 tr/min; 7,4 kw with 1200 tr/min
Average gas oil consumption: 1,7 kg/h
The engine has three pumps
A fuel pump (*) ordered by a cam on the crankshaft. It supplies the gas oil injector, under pressure.
An oil pump (*) pulled by a pinion fixed on the crankshaft.
A pump of sweeping (*) which forms a unit with the higher piston and which sends the surrounding air through the inlet opening.
The fact of comprising a rod related to the lower piston and two rods related to the higher piston resulted in balancing the efforts on the crankshaft what decreases (even theoretically cancels) the efforts on the stages as well as the vibrations.
To each question I place the target on a point of the diagram. With you to recognize it.
The 1PJ60 is a diesel engine which functions in cycle two times (see animation below). It is ONE-CYLINDER very special, with TWO opposite pistons. The air inlet and the evacuation of exhaust fumes are carried out through lights open or closed at the time of the movement of the pistons (there is no valve). The gas oil is pulverized by an injector.
Hugo Junkers is born on February 3, 1859 in Rheydt (the Rhineland). He makes studies of mechanics at the technical universities of Berlin, Karlsruhe and Aachen. Then it directs its research task towards the internal combustion engines and develops the study of gas oil and gas engines and future engines CLM.
Whereas it is titular pulpit of thermodynamics at the university of Aachen (until the First World War day before), in 1890 it founds an research institute for the gas engines and 1895, in Dessau, it creates the metallurgical company Junkers & Co which produces, in the beginning, different from its inventions, like gas rings.
In 1910, it makes patent a revolutionary project of metal hang-glider. Project which will never be concretized. On the other hand, during the First World War, other metal planes Junkers, more traditional, are adopted by the German military aviation.
Then, at the end of the Great War, Junkers launches out thoroughly in aeronautics, civil and military: creation of many types of planes and an airline company. It creates, inter alia, the first metal commercial civil aircraft (F13), considered as being the ancestor of the transport aircraft; then it creates its derivatives of which famous three-engined Ju52 which devotes its celebrity in the aeronautical field.
In 1933, Junkers is évincé of his factory by the capacity national-Socialist and he dies on February 3, 1935, in Gauting, close to Munich.
Currently, Junkers became a mark of the Bosch group.
As of XVème century, the name of PEUGEOT appears in the registers of civil statue of the County of Montbeliard. About 1725, a certain Jean Jacques PEUGEOT is miller with Hérimoncourt; its descendants, Jean Pierre and Jean Frederic, install in 1790, with Under Cratet on the commune of Hérimoncourt, a mill to crush the grain, which they transform into 1810 in a metallurgical company.
It deposits their first patent for the steel rolling for the webs in 1818. The company thrives throughout the XIXème century, providing saws, springs, buscs of corset, tools of all kinds.
It is into 1846 that the PEUGEOT family settles in Valentigney to manufacture laminated steel, which as from 1855 was used for - crinoline whose mode makes fury under the Second Empire.
Armand PEUGEOT is thus born in Valentigney in 1849, within a true dynasty of contractors. No one more than him with the spirit in awakening, the passion of the innovation, the taste of the adventure, and in the austere one and Protestant Country of Montbeliard, it passes for whimsical.
In 1871, young engineer, it returns from a training course to England where it studied the methods of the metallurgists of Leeds and where it saw being born the passion for - bicycle. Of return to the country, it can be done persuasive and decides the company PEUGEOT BROTHERS to undertake manufacture of it.
In 1885, them - Two Wheels are carried to the program of the house, initially in Hérimoncourt, then in Beaulieu, and finally in Valentigney where new workshops are created in 1894, and where - bicycle finds finally its form traditional.
In the years 1870, in Mans, Amédée BOWLFUL, using the steam engine, built - Obeying, a first car - car, i.e. a car moving by its own means. Curious about all things, impassioned for its century, Armand PEUGEOT puts itself at the work and to the World Fair of 1889, the bold manufacturer presents a tricycle to two places, with a steam engine of the type - Wild thyme. No success! Armand then will seek elsewhere: precisely, Gottlieb DAIMLER has just deposited in 1885 a patent for one - gas engine of oil. Emile LEVASSOR, steel supplier of PEUGEOT, negotiated the manufacture of engines DAIMLER under licence for France, why not seek a side of this PEUGEOT House which, over there in Doubs, fact of so beautiful bicycles. Accompanied by Emile LEVASSOR, associated with PANHARD, Gottlieb DAIMLER goes to Valentigney on an “automobile” machine built by him; it meets Armand PEUGEOT who, admiring, has a presentiment of that the future is with these vapor and petrol engines either.
Armand manufactures in Valentigney, since 1890-1891, of “pétroleuses” which does much noise, feels bad and raises clouds of dust.
But they roll, in front of the astonished villagers! To make known its oil car, Armand PEUGEOT the lance in the race Valentigney Paris Brest and return. Dice 1895, the PEUGEOT House deposits a patent for an engine with oil of 2 cylinders on line laid out horizontally.
The car leaves the heroic age, its technique leaves the craft industry. Armand PEUGEOT at this time, frees himself from the supervision of his cousins of the company PEUGEOT BROTHERS. He founds the Public limit company of the Cars PEUGEOT and built workshops with Audincourt (Doubs) and Lille (Northern). The factory of Audincourt, inaugurated in 1897, has 120 workmen; two years later, 350 and 800 in 1902, date on which Armand launches the Standard “Baby Peugeot” 69.
Armand founds the Employers' federation of the Manufacturers of Cars in 1909 and will be the President until 1913. Armand dies on February 7, 1915 in Paris, but the impulse is given, the way was traced by the pioneer; the time of the craft industry is already far, that of the great series approaches.
General information on the CLM.
General characteristics of engine CLM (given by Peugeot).
Elements of the CLM.
To divert itself.
Principle of engine CLM.
Hugo Junkers whose company holds the patent of the CLM.
Armand creative Peugeot of the Public limit company of the PEUGEOT Cars.
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Pump sweeping
Compression. The pistons approach the PMH (Not High Dead). The exhaust and inlet openings were closed by the pistons. Between them the volume of air decreases and the pressure increases.
Compression. The pistons approach the PMH (Not High Dead). The exhaust and inlet openings were closed by the pistons. Between them the volume of air decreases and the pressure increases.
Compression. The pistons approach the PMH (Not High Dead). The exhaust and inlet openings were closed by the pistons. Between them the volume of air decreases and the pressure increases.
Compression. The pistons approach the PMH (Not High Dead). The exhaust and inlet openings were closed by the pistons. Between them the volume of air decreases and the pressure increases.
Compression. The pistons approach the PMH (Not High Dead). The exhaust and inlet openings were closed by the pistons. Between them the volume of air decreases and the pressure increases.
Compression. The pistons approach the PMH (Not High Dead). The exhaust and inlet openings were closed by the pistons. Between them the volume of air decreases and the pressure increases.
Compression. The pistons approach the PMH (Not High Dead). The exhaust and inlet openings were closed by the pistons. Between them the volume of air decreases and the pressure increases.
Injection, explosion. It is only at this moment that the gas oil is injected (contrary to the petrol engines where the air and the gasoline, mixed, enter at the same time). It is its contact with the air under pressure which causes the explosion (absence of spark plug).
Relaxation. The pistons are actively pushed back by the mixture which has just exploded (phase engine).
Relaxation. The pistons are actively pushed back by the mixture which has just exploded (phase engine).
Relaxation. The pistons are actively pushed back by the mixture which has just exploded (phase engine).
Relaxation. The pistons are actively pushed back by the mixture which has just exploded (phase engine).
Relaxation. The pistons are actively pushed back by the mixture which has just exploded (phase engine).
Relaxation. The pistons are actively pushed back by the mixture which has just exploded (phase engine).
Sweeping (admission + exhaust). The pistons approach the PMB (Dead bottom centre). The exhaust and inlet openings were released by the pistons. The air enters and pushes back (sweeps) the gases flarings which escape.
Sweeping (admission + exhaust). The pistons approach the PMB (Dead bottom centre). The exhaust and inlet openings were released by the pistons. The air enters and pushes back (sweeps) the gases flarings which escape.
Sweeping (admission + exhaust). The pistons approach the PMB (Dead bottom centre). The exhaust and inlet openings were released by the pistons. The air enters and pushes back (sweeps) the gases flarings which escape.
Sweeping (admission + exhaust). The exhaust and inlet openings are always released by the pistons which have just changed direction of displacement.
Operation step by step.
Maginot line. CLM 1PJ60; File carried out starting from document various gracefully provided by the Museum of the car of Monaco and Mr. Jean Louis Teases, Responsable Inheritance and Historical Documentation of the Peugeot Adventure. We highly thank them. (B-E-R Cima ©1998-2008).
0 _*; Local files; 1 _*; General information; 2 _*; Characteristics; 3 _*; Presentation; 6 _*; Teachware; 17 _*; Principle