On June 11, 1940, day of entry in war of Italy, the border of the Alps is entrusted to the Army of the Alps (General OLRY_). XVeCA is with the orders of the Lieutenant-general of Army MONTAGNE_. It has the role of defending Nice_ (*), since the sea to the valleys of high Tinée_ (*). This XVeCA (which recovers the SFAM_ of the time of peace) includes/understands:
It SFAM_ with the orders of the Brigadier general MAGNIEN_ (below), in the east of Nice_, between the sea and the solid mass of Aution (*)
it 65eDI with the orders of the Brigadier general of SAINT_JULIEN (below), in the north of Nice_, valleys of Vésubie_ (*) and Tinée_ (*).
This document was carried out starting from many sources of which, particularly, personal records of Mrs. Odile_DAVEAU, grand-daughter of the René_MAGNIEN general, and his husband, Philippe_DAVEAU, that we thank warmly.
The texts of René_MAGNIEN are referred R_M as that which is below.
Italian important activity on all the border, without shot. Italian planes fly over the French device and the backs of this device.
First exchange of shots in the valley of Tinée_ towards Cuson_ (*). First shootings of French artillery on an Italian detachment, with the entry of Gordolasque_ (*). First shooting of DCA Frenchwoman on an Italian flotilla, along the littoral.
65eDI: close to St_Martin_Vésubie (*), an Italian attack is stopped and a counter-attack, supported by artillery, makes it possible to seize Piagu (*), in Italian territory.
First bombardments of Italian aviation: on the station of Cannes_la_Bocca (*) (not of damage nor of victims), on the airfields of Cannes_ (without result) and, more in the west, on the airfield of Fayence_ (two killed and 10 wounded).
65eDI: calm day. Some shots.
SFAM: Italian firmly occupies the northern border of the SFAM and tackles its southern part.
65eDI: calm day. Some shots.
SFAM: Italian attacks in the projecting one of Saorge_ (*) and in the neighbourhoods of Breil_ (*).
Italian aviation bombards two airfields in the department of Var_ (not to be confused with the Var_ river (*))
65eDI: some blows of automatic weapons and mortar towards Douanse_ (*).
SFAM: Italian continues their attack in the projecting one of Saorge_ (*) and the neighbourhoods of Breil_ (*).
65eDI: attacks with the automatic weapons and with the mortar in the vicinity of Insulated (*) and unhooking as of ITS.
SFAM: Italian continues their attack in the projecting one of Saorge_ (*) and the neighbourhoods of Breil_ (*).
65eDI: attacks pushed back vis-a-vis the outpost of Conchetas_ (*).
SFAM: 19 with 9:00 the Italian artillery bombards the neighbourhoods of Aution_ (*), bombardment stopped by a French counter-preparation.
65eDI: attacks pushed back vis-a-vis the outpost of Isola_ (*). Light advanced vis-a-vis the outpost of Conchetas_ (*) to the front of which ITS, extrèmement tired, one folded up.
SFAM. Resumption of the attacks since Aution_ (*) to the sea.
65eDI: frequent fixings between Italian and ITS.
SFAM: maintenance of the Italian positions in the projecting one of Saorge_ (*). Retreat to the border everywhere else.
In spite of the average volunteers and the undergone losses, Italian did not succeed in fixing itself, except in certain marginal zones being neighbourly the border.
But these 10 more or less intense days of combat were only combat of preparation and test of French defense. Now that the German troops break on France and start to take with reverse the Army of the Alps, Italian will benefit from it to pronounce an attack of very strong power vis-a-vis XVeCA.
Avec artillerie. 3 blocs. 175 hommes.
Infanterie sous béton : 1 JM - 1 JM/AC 47
Infanterie sous cloche_ : 2 JM - 1 LG
Artillerie sous béton : 4.81
Observatoires : 3 GFM - 1 VDP
Ingénieur allemand né à Paris le 18 mars 1858 et mystérieusement disparu le 20 septembre 1913 au cours d'une traversée de la Manche, à bord du paquebot Dresden.
Il fait ses études à l'école polytechnique de Munich.
En 1893 il dépose un brevet pour un moteur à huile.
En 1897 il construit un premier prototype, qui fonctionne à l'huile de cacahuètes. Et il présente ce prototype à l'Exposition Universelle de Paris en 1900. Il reçoit? à cette occasion? le Grand Prix de l'Exposition universelle.
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Click: post/erases the zones of artillery shootings of the ouvrages_ of XVeCA. The artillery shootings of each ouvrage_ are obtained while clicking on their name, on the chart.
click: post/erases the position of Italian at the evening of June 21, 1940 (in gray on the chart), before the general attack of the following days.
Click: post/erases the local files allowing to reach following the combat of the SFAM_ (Italian Operation R)
Click: post/erases the principal peaks of the mountainous relief. This visualization makes it possible to better include/understand the troop movements.
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Infantry. Shelter
Infantry: 4.JM
Infantry: 2.JM. Shelter
Infantry. Shelter
Infantry. Shelter
Infantry: 3.JM. Artillery: 4.81
Infantry: 4.JM. Artillery: 2.75/33T; 2.75/29; 4.81; 2.135T
(CdT=Champ_de_Tir) Infantry: 1.JM
Infantry: 3.JM. Artillery: 2.75/33T; 2.75/31; 4.81
Infantry: 5.JM. Artillery: 1.75/29; 4.81
Artillery: 2.75/29; 2.81; 4.155T
Infantry: 4.JM. Artillery: 2.75/29; 4.81
Artillery observatory with underground quartering.
Infantry: 2.JM. Shelter
Infantry: 2.JM. Artillery: 4.75/31; 4.81; 2.135
Infantry: 2.JM; 1.JM/AC37. Shelter
Artillery: 4.75/33T
Infantry: 3.JM. Artillery: 4.75/31; 4.81
Artillery observatory with underground quartering.
Infantry. Shelter.
Infantry: 3.JM. Artillery: 3.75/29; 4.81
Click: post/erases the history of the engagements
A click posts the zones of artillery shootings, another click removes them.
Fast stopping of road.
Outpost with underground active shelter and fast stopping of road.
Infantry: 2.JM. Shelter
Infantry. Shelter
Infantry: 1.JM; 1.JM/AC47
Infantry: 1.JM; 2.JM/AC47. Artillery: 4.75/33; 2.75/31; 2.81
Infantry: 1.JM/AC47
Infantry. Shelter
Infantry. Shelter
Infantry: 1.JM. Shelter
Infantry: 3.JM; 1.JM/AC47. Artillery: 2.75/31; 4.81
Infantry: 4.JM; 1.JM/AC47. Artillery: 2.75/31; 4.81
Outpost with underground active shelter.
Outpost under casemate STG.
Principality of Monaco.
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Maginot line. XVeCA. First combat of June 1940; File carried out starting from documents various of which those of Odile_DAVEAU, grand-daughter of the René_MAGNIEN general, whom we thank warmly. (B_E_ and R_Cima ©2005-2008).
0, local Files; 1, General information; 3, Artillery of the SFAM; 6, mountainous Relief; 40,11 at June 13; 41,14 at June 17; 42,18 and June 19; 43,20 and June 21; 4, Sketch; 5,22 at June 24