“Season 2” was written in 1966, in class, like “season 1”, while my pupils made exercises of control.
Here also, as opposed to what one can think at first sight, the texts are in alexandrines, but presented like prose, to facilitate the reading of it. It is obvious, here still, that their automatic translation, since French, does not restore the worms (nor sometimes the direction of the words)!
In the middle of the deserts, having believed to see with far, on money dunes, a group of Bedouins, a tourist lost (irreproachable husband) in search of adventure ran in sand (_*_).
It went night and day, under a torrid sun and could not be torn off with the arid region. It was finally very thirsty, did not want to think of it, and went and went without never advancing. Then he saw himself dying and the burning heat which burned the lips to him corroded him the heart. It started to howl but nobody neighbourhood; with its cries of anguish the desert was deaf. It fell exhausted, resigned from its fate then awaited without fear that comes to him death.
He thought of the friends, amateur of pleasures, nicely surrounded not knowing which to choose! In this desert without end, that this idea rained to him! But it closed the eyes and did not know any more.
And what you had thus made, O poor creature in ten years of your life so that here nature arrives at you to want some of also lasts way! Of was your fidelity the ransom? Never you had been able to let burn your flame with the fire of some body which had not been your wife and you would however die, a such unworthy dog, in the middle of the deserts far from the world and of hold whereas in your country of people of infamous life liked which wanted it without a remorse in the heart!
Between us dear reader I tell you a thing, a secrecy which made the tourist morose and made that at any hour it wanted only one: from to go away from at his place carrying out another life. In love the evening but shrew the day, making fall the blows between two words from love, its female indeed was a true torment and no matter what it deployed like turn of mischievousness to the least movement designed to dodge itself, as soon as it made to a step his wife followed it!
He well, friendly reader, why thus annoy you? But Hector did not die! And nothing to hide I will add that Hector is the name of this man lengthened in sand and who made a nap. It woke up suddenly, oh! Pleasant surprise a garden replaced the extents of sand and in front of him, lying you will not believe me twelve buckled women spread out their soft foods! (_*_).
Hector could not believe in it and rubbed the eyes, then he believed one moment being arrived at the skies and was quite unhappy not to be more quickly dead and to be himself private sight of such a site!
A woman approached and was used to him to drink and could not prevent oneself from telling the history to him; Hector learned thus that it was of course ground and owed its safety with some soldier attracted by his cries, in the middle of the night, whereas it patrolled in sands, without noise. He learned in addition that he was in these places in the palate of summer of a curious caliph who could of only one word fill it happiness or make it strangle, according to his good mood. Hector of this matter was far from being magic and did not know if it were to laugh or to deplore. Then the eunuque one appointed, emerged of some place, seizes with the Hector body a such vulture its prey and dropped it paler than death to the feet from the king of the places only main from its fate.
it chance is with you, foreign, known as the Master and so in my harem, where I had made you put, one of your perverse fingers had passed very close to my good, by the hand of the torturer you would die like a dog. Unless your inclinations are opposed to the miens, that the sight of a woman is not done anything!
- More time with the harem, thought our Hector, and per hour that it is I would have already died!
Then timidly it told its history hoping that it its audience and is although it succeeds, more by the flatteries coating the account that by the contents with a life without spring, to like most astonishing it the suzerain was going to charm on which its fate depended.
Finally it completed speech of its life by a wish without turning of generous desire: - But here I intend well to make up for lost time and to populate the region of thousands of bastard! At once lord Hector was filled richnesses and left at the moment to seek a mistress whereas the caliph, enivré of happiness ran to his harem to make the pretty heart.
Our honest husband, a such famished wolf, fused in direction of the badly famed district. He was in one moment attacked young misses and did not know where to choose among all these beautiful; one showed its centre, the other showed its buttock or by the quantity youth replaced. A veil however hid the face to them, Hector was not surprised because such was the use!
In the middle of crowd he saw of them one finally, discrete which made a call of the hand. To its supported sign it left with it of an obscure recess and its zeal proved to him. Ah the woman suave and of exquisite softness which made that in little time it reaches happiness! It was caught some for the moment, then for all its delay, finally for the future and still later. (_*_).
Being satisfied, he thought of his wife. he cannot compare, thought it in his heart. He thought only little, a resounding blow abattut on his cheek returning blood to him! The doubt invades it, with this ill omen it tore off the veil occulting the face and fell pâmé from there not believing what it saw, his wife up to now had also followed it!
I know quite dear reader what two buddies do, they share together the same bread end. I of course know also what are two cuckolds, it is enough for that to have a little lived! But where I am misled it is when I am obstinated to want to guess what two girlfriends do; finally let us leave that and see my history, an eccentric tale which I have large pains to believe.
Imagine a little that two women one day burned for their owner of a marvellous love. One, in fact, one beautiful day, wanted it very for it and sought, it is human, with the other a quarrel in order to attract the graces of the Mister who made them spend the delicious moments. As it obtained finally what it had sought the other woman, évincée, her torn off love, any more but one objective did not have: to be avenged for the affront, to recover its honor and to punish its owner.
Instead of you to tell myself the account I will make you hear, and it is well better thus, which one of the tourists could record; you will not follow all but broad extracts of a conversation allowing you to have the most crucial points which you must know.
- Ah my old man what a history it has just arrived to me! To think of it, again I am very tested by it! Appear yourself a little that I have two secretaries and that it is of course one which I prefer.
- O yes, that I know it because everywhere one causes some
one jase on my life! Who allows himself, who dares?
- Go rather say to me what are these troubles.
- Ah does not speak to me about it, was very done this night. As it was my Adèle festival had thought of inviting me without witness, at it to eat. I went there happy
- But I believed that Adèle
effect my friend Ernestine is more beautiful and it my is preferred however, that you want, fidelity for me is not a virtue! I thus went to Adèle the evening. My heart, if one can say, was filled with hope. The meal occurred, cri_ tuu_ ti_ ti_ can better. My hands tuu_ tut_ titou cri_ cri_tu tu_ my eyes. (_*_).
The meal finished Adèle announced, with the guest repu, that it was not to see all that it was going to do in her room to be slept, the surprise envisaged in front of fort the touch.
After a few moments it had finally the right to join its beautiful and did it, one it believes, with such a spirit that it entered while running, but its greed, its heat, had only a time.
You will be able to follow the outcome finally by listening to the end of the recording.
- All my people were there, in the middle of the part and seeing me entering, in chorus full with jubilation it entonnèrent all of a voice guillerette:
- Our dear owner has, of us all good festival!
- And it is nice all that!
- Can be but the trouble it is that I had thought of better occupying my night. Indeed, a moment I had imagined to spend one good moment
I believe to guess you
any case misfortune was in my behaviour, ah God what a dishonour, I were very naked!
Imagine a little a group of teutons all armoured of iron of the thigh to the chin, each one thus moulted in invincible Titan, to arrive while howling in a peaceful hamlet and to destroy and burn the least dwelling, to plunder, kill, violate a population which could offer to its invader only disarmed hands contracting pain!
Stop! I begin again myself and I correct worms. It is not that one of the feet is written of through but, speaking about teutons, thus replace - to violate by a less brutal word, for example - to fly so that null woman having read their fury does not shiver about it of hope and does not make the error fall in love people that the fate already indicated with the demon of death.
Two lost tourists, both twin sisters, while hearing of the cruel band, went to the hamlet, next goal of teutons to draw aside from the wolf the unhappy sheep which, taken separately, were without defense whereas grouped well their great stoutness had had without doubting it reason of these plunderers which made the forts only in front of runaways.
Jeanne_ d' Arc if one wants but far from being virgin by making the pavement each beautiful binocular from of had extremely learned on the behavior from a guy seeing Eve removing her clothing. Also their experiment was going it to be used for those which teutons came to control.
The old chief of the village listened to the two sisters to expose a plan to him which it made with against heart putting at execution by all the villagers who, although decided, obeyed without joy. Gathering the objects which appeared sharp they had preferred to escape years their fields rather than to form a group of pedestrians whom one was going to throw to the front of teutons.
However in the camp of the plunderers of villages one heard everywhere the beer, their beverage, running out in so great way that each one in its corner is enivrait in songs. Suddenly one as of their ordered the departure and to raise the camp they took all share there. Each one on its side sealed a horse, prepared its weighed down metal armour then helped its neighbor to thread his: an object so narrow that it was not so that it holds any need to have a bedonnant belly so that each time them let us teutons ronchonnant swore by all the gods that this day, no matter what one makes, was the last day that they put the armour.
And well in spite of that, the finished combat, each one did not think of it any more letting its destiny connect it with these people where to sleep and be drunk of each day the only pleasure was of living.
After having raised the remainder of their camp let us teutons them harnessed left at once to destroy without pity this whole small village where frightened crowd failed to lose courage while seeing arriving, in a gallop of hell this horde in very barded iron fury!
The men the first to receive the blows took without more delaying the legs with their neck and fled loosely in front of the invader dropping the plan envisaged by our two sisters.
But here suddenly, at the edge of a terrace, to appear with let us teutons which was opposite a first equipped sister so light that each roughneck soldier, even oldest, stopping Net its horse could not be insensitive with the emanating capacity of an irresistible charm. At the moment the other sister, even less vêtue, knowing its soft foods exhibaient the virtues made them a number such as very few women [...]
Then my dear friend you do not corrode the heart, while saying - few women it could be very well that you are also among those O how much blessed of all the gods and whom have in their weapons one I do not know too what which makes all the charm of it. In any case account, let us turn over on the spot to see our two twin sisters who as well as possible managed the interests of all this village world whose mood of the moment was not with the joy!
[...] Made Them a number such as very few women had been able of their body to exhale a flame dazzling the eyes of so many men a blow. Even the villagers, the legs with their neck, seeing such a spectacle being offered to their eyes had nothing any more but one idea, not to leave the places more. Their forces redoubled in front of teutons which were attacked with great blows of sticks.
These on their side, obstructed by the armour, excited by the sight of the sisters on the terrace, lay all on the ground, twisting pain. The blows which they received made less their misfortune that the virile thing which did them man. With the sight of the two sisters it had all in all tested of it at once a shiver of pleasure, well quickly transformed into a deep superb desire of pavaner in front of one of them. Also in its heat, wanting to appear beautiful while being stretched too much it had been wedged at the edge of the armour which as well gripped it as you realize in the interior for why these poor people twisted pain and how this day there, to punish their misdeeds, one threw in prison the demolished survivors.
One day one of the sisters telling its memories a nephew required of the end history: - Were you to You all except, trying all your teutons? Touched, your Titans, they touched you the nipples? (_*_).
A girl in love with two young people had a character of most demanding. If one appeared beautiful, the other seemed less better, and the girl always sought on whom the bonds, which she hoped to tie with the neck of the one of both, were to be carried for a happy love.
The beautiful one dissolved it with back, at the place, but it was godiche and of a narrow spirit. The other of which she thought was an ugly girl with, not positive, a marvellous stick but he also had, it was his despair, right in the middle of the nose an enormous black spot.
She hesitated a long time, reflects on her fate and realized too late that she had extremely been wrong because when a choice was made she saw that this day nobody was there to make him love.
With which this lesson? It is or for the woman or all these boys who have only little flame and which, always blasés, making the fine mouth, very draw aside party approaching their layer. (_*_).
Odette my friend, dreams of my youth, years after years, of my heart the mistress, listens to murmur that which of its life did not dare by seeing you not wanting any more but one: to feel your soft glance to be posed on its being and to point out to you to perhaps see it, it!
Ah! Odette my heart, a marvellous dream the other night in my room was offered to my eyes: I live to you in front of me, on your cheek a tear added a pearl to the jewels of your charm. And you asked me, your soft face in tears, your not fardées lips, of an extreme paleness, to come to help your small body of woman and your voice will enivra in one moment my heart. Finally you were there and nothing any more counted, my spirit was closed so that you told, I were in a fog, a swirl of intoxication and I had of the child the joys and the weakness. Odette my love, feeling you in front of me you will never know what was my agitation; my heart beat for you, but it was only one dream and like freshness, when the day rises it has flees gently not to return more. I will remain alone, having his memory.
The other night in my Odette room with your ear, by saying you I believe that you were similar with the flower of the morning that effleure the dew I was suddenly frightened to have dared to imprison your hand in the hollow of the mienne and to have kept it, tightened no matter what it occurs. At the moment, my love, my body quivers so extremely that I believed that it went, in a last effort, to make me spring against the tien of woman and to make me take it and prove my flame to you. Supreme Ah happiness that where the fate let with my love take its rise finally! My heart palpitated about it but it was only one dream and a such gleam when the day rises it has flees slowly not to return more. I will remain alone, having his memory.
The other night, in my room, Odette your face forecast for my directions marvellous predicts. It made me a smile as fine as grivois, a smile so soft as still I see it. Your lips little pinches, your sidelong glance and your semi-sparkling languorous eyes of mischievousness were as many soft foods which said to my heart than finally of your love he was the winner. Your chest haletait and made me include/understand: he is time my darling, you know you can take to me! And when I realized that in the same moment you had approached me hesitating about it, my heart quivers of joy but it was only one dream and like the dew, when the day rises, it has flees slowly not to return more. I will remain alone, having his memory.
In love with beautiful with the body with most gracious, cherished by the nature and blessed by the skies, the poet wrote on the aforementioned wonder and rented his beauty with null another similar. A harmonious size, a contour of goddess and eyes ah these eyes which filled up it intoxication! It had not found for so perfect eyes a rather powerful word which rained to him completely.
After by worms having declared its love, in its room with beautiful it proved it one day. Then having contemplated it in the soft behaviour of the amante without make-ups, having lengthened very naked, it took again its beautiful intended worms with it and without hesitation put them at the cabinet! (_*_)
Everyone cannot have chance!
Revenge is a dish best served cold!
A combat without mercy between men and women. According to you, who will gain?
To reflect etc a long time
But it is not for all.
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The place is without danger to make love there. One is not disturbed by those which are around. The trouble is that in these places, although one is there as well as possible, one seldom finds what to make the lover!
Twelve mysterious fact and they is for me happy because ten, my dear readers, it had been a misfortune, I had had (which wound!) a whole worms incomplete!
If you are blasé this account little dared known as in worms or prose is almost with the water of pink. But some have the life that the jealous ones envy and for others the fate does really little effort.
The tourist reader is only one simple amateur. Its recording is not also satisfying I will cut a long end of it from the blow.
To touch heaps of T well was too trying!
Not tourist here? You undeceive, but if: the tourist is the woman with the many states of heart. It has just a mood far from the keys of happiness!
This poet tourist has a sad history!
Slightly dared stories of body of guard - Season 2. (1966); R Cima ©1966-2008
0_*; Local files; 1_*; Introduction; 2_*; The missed occasion; 3_*; Revenge; 4_*; Let us teutons; 5_*; Reasoned; 6_*; The dream