Personnel in 1940
Personnel at June 20th, 1940
Officers, two
Captain SIMONIN Raymond; Lieutenant CLAISSE Raymond
Simonin captain and Lieutenant Claisse with the Marivaux farm. Other members of the personnel
Section of command
Office: Sgt/Ch. BUTHIER Robert; Sgt. GRANDIN Albert; Cal/Ch. DANEL Auguste; Cal. Robert FOUNTAIN; 1°S/T SIMON Louis; 2°S/T JOUANNY Rene; 2°S/T MARECAUX Andre
Infirmary: Médec. With. ROGER Gabriel; 2°S/T COPPENS Rene; 2°S/T KOCH Raymond
Hearth: Sgt. NASSOY Albert; 1°S/T DELAHOCHE Andre; 2°S/T JOLLY Paul
Ordinary: Sgt. VAUGELADE Robert; Cal/Ch. SAUVAGEOT Emile; 1°S/T LETELLIER Gaston; 1°S/T SOULIE Gaston; 2°S/T DEGHAYE Jean; 2°S/T SPOHR Paul
Post orderly: Cal. GILQUIN Lucien; MO. MEYER Leon
Garage: Cal/ch. LEJEUNE Jean; Cal. SIMONET Louis; 1°S/T NATTIER Rene; 2°S/T GIDEL Rene; 2°S/T COLLOT Gilbert; 2°S/T LUXEMBOURGER Alphonse; 2°S/T OLIVIER Georges; 2°S/T REIFENBERG Cécil; 2°S/T VAHE Raymond; 2°S/T FIEBACH Albert; 2°S/T DACHICOURT Alfred
Bugle: 1°S/T SAINT-CLEMENT Andre
Store Z: 1°S/T LEFEBVRE Jean
Mess Officers: 2°S/T THAL Eugene
Ss/Off mess. : 2°S/T COURCOT Maurice; 2°S/T DENNETIERE Edgard
Detached with the postal sector: 1°S/T VERLHAC Marcel; 2°S/T PAUCK Albert
Material level
Adj. BALZINGER Georges; Sgt/Ch. HOOD Andre; Sgt. DUFOURG Charles; Cal/ch. BEAUDOIN Georges; Cal. MARTIN Maurice
Stores: 1°S/T ISSENHUTH Joseph; 2°S/T Willy CLAM; 2°S/T GREGOIRE Henry; 2°S/T MATHIEU Paul; 2°S/T BENTZ Pierre
Personnel: 1°S/T RONCERET Jacques; 1°S/T Gaston RELIGIOUS BIGOT; 2°S/T MUZY Eugene; 2°S/T RIGOULLOT Gaston; 2°S/T RIVARD Adolphe; 2°S/T TORRALBA Charles
S.C. : 1°S/T VANDOMME Alfred; 1°S/T LEVEILLE Henri; 1°S/T WEISSENBACH Michel; 2°S/T FRAISSARD Jean; 2°S/T GARNIER Pierre; pleasant 2°S/T LECLERQ; 2°S/T NEVER Jean
Lighting: MO. GRAFF Laurent
Workshop: MO. BRULOY Marcel; 1°S/T Arthur PASTE; 2°S/T RUSSET-RED Jean; 2°S/T BAUDOIN Maurice
Trucks: 1°S/T HEMART Robert; 2°S/T DERAEDT Achilles
Section of exploitation
Warrant officer Robert CAMP; Sgt/Ch. Joseph MARSHAL; Sgt. JACQUEMART Jules; Cal/Ch. DARRAS Jean; Cal. COSTES Raymond; Cal. DERRU Jacques; Cal. DUMORTIER Maurice; Cal. LOISY Raymond; MO. PIVIN Roger; 1°S/T. BRIAND Rene; 1°S/T. CHARDOT Raymond; 1°S/T. HAEUV Emile; 1°S/T. CHICK Charles; 1°S/T. VINEL Etienne; 2°S/T. BEER Edmond; 2°S/T. BREILLOT Robert; 2°S/T. PUG Maurice; 2°S/T. CARTELOT Paul; 2°S/T. COCHIN Andre; 2°S/T. COLSON Eugene; 2°S/T. DELIEGE Rene; 2°S/T. DIEUDONNE Andre; 2°S/T. HOUCHOT Yvon; 2°S/T. HOUZE Marcel; 2°S/T. JANTZEN Maurice; 2°S/T. PORCHEROT Robert; 2°S/T. PREVOST Rene; 2°S/T. PRIEM Georges; 2°S/T. RADIGUET Maurice; 2°S/T. RAGUENET Maurice; 2°S/T. SCHWAB Leon; 2°S/T. THOUVENOT Pierre; 2°S/T. BAUDRY Andre; 1°S/T. DUPONT Robert; 2°S/T. JAMIN Paul; 2°S/T. ORSAT Lucien; 2°S/T. FOUNES Andre; 2°S/T. SAINTAGNE; 2°S/T. LORD OF THE MANOR; 2°S/T. DEMADE; 2°S/T. ESSIG; 2°S/T. CORLIN; 2°S/T. BARDIN; 2°S/T. PIMEL; 2°S/T. DEBAILLEUL
1st Section of construction
Adjudant CUGNIE; Sgt/Ch. LEMAIRE Louis; Cal. GRANDFILS Gilbert; Cal. HENON Roland; Cal. LACROIX Paul; Cal. MARTIN Maurice; MO. MANGIN Alfred; MO. VAREILLES Ernest; 1°S/T. BEUSQUART Michel; 1°S/T. COLONEL Henri; 1°S/T. MANZI Guerrino; 1°S/T. SCHMITT Charles; 1°S/T. THOMAS Lucien; 2°S/T. BARRAT Paul; 2°S/T. BERZIN Antoine; 2°S/T. BOLLENGIER Marcel; 2°S/T. LEMONNIER Albert; 2°S/T. LEGRILL Louis; 2°S/T. MANGARD Joffre; 2°S/T. MILLERAND Andre; 2°S/T. MULLER Alfred; 2°S/T. SCHROETTER Charles; 2°S/T. VIX Joseph; 2°S/T. DELPLANQUE Auguste; 2°S/T. COURTIOL Auguste; 2°S/T. BESSARD Jules; 2°S/T. VOILLOT Georges
2nd Section of construction (Welders)
Warrant officer HAUVILLER; Sgt/Ch. GOLDBRONN Auguste; Sgt. TICKET Claude; Cal/Ch. Gaston CANTON; Cal. EYSSERIC Adrien; Cal. MONTVENOUX Roger; Cal. SEGERT Alfred; Cal. Jules BRIE; MO. COTTARD Raymond; MO. SIMON Marcel; MO. TERREYRE Julien; 1°S/T. Jean CLERK; 1°S/T. ROHR Marcel; 2°S/T. BECKRICH Jean; 2°S/T. DEMARLY Fénélon; 2°S/T. DESJARDINS Rene; 2°S/T. KRANTZ HABERBUSCH Laurent; 2°S/T. LIND Marcel; 2°S/T. PARISET Nicolas; 2°S/T. PECATTE Jacques; 2°S/T. PERRARD Robert; 2°S/T. FAGES Albert; 2°S/T. ROUSSELET Raymond; 2°S/T. DELTOUR Francis; 2°S/T. BELVERGE; 2°S/T. JAMES; 2°S/T. DUVERGER; 2°S/T. ANDRE; 2°S/T. BAUFRE; 2°S/T. STEINHOF; 2°S/T. BROCHARD
3rd Section of construction
Warrant officer ANTOINE Charles; Sgt/Ch. Jacques GOD; Sgt. DESCHAMPS Marc; Cal/Ch. COUNTRY COTTAGE Andre; Cal/Ch. MOREAU Andre; Cal. WILLMANN Louis; 1°S/T. BOULNOY Rene; 1°S/T. Joseph CHAMPION; 1°S/T. MULLER Jean-Baptiste; 1°S/T. Jean CARRIED; 2°S/T. ACHARD Jean; 2°S/T. ARDHUIN Gilbert; 2°S/T. ARNOLD Alphonse; 2°S/T. AUGUSTE Marceau; 2°S/T. BOURGOUIN Leon; 2°S/T. Leon JUNIOR; 2°S/T. SQUARE Roger; 2°S/T. FAYS Marcel; 2°S/T. KRIEG Daniel; 2°S/T. LAUER Mathias; 1°S/T. The PENNEC Andre; 2°S/T. PHILIPPE Victor; 2°S/T. VIGUIER Andre; 2°S/T. VAUTRIN Marcel; 2°S/T. DEBLOIS Pierre; 2°S/T. CAILLET Marcel; 2°S/T. PERARDEL Raymond
Fast section of unfolding
Lieutenant CLAISSE Raymond; Sgt/Ch. Georges HAKE; Sgt. SCHNEIDER Aloyse; Cal/Ch. TO TELL Jean; Cal. NICOLAS Georges; Cal. REMY Marcel; MO. BOYON Rene; MO. DERR Joseph; MO. KOULMANN Robert; 1°S/T. GERALD Gabriel; 2°S/T. BUCHMULLER Charles; 2°S/T. PUG William; 2°S/T. GARDIN Andre; 2°S/T. GUILLAUME Jules; 2°S/T. HELOIR Albert; 2°S/T. HERGES Marcel; 2°S/T. HANMACHER Charles; 2°S/T. KOBIS Joseph; 2°S/T. MADUBOST Romain; 2°S/T. RILBART Lucien; 2°S/T. STOEBNER Adolphe; 2°S/T. COHARDE Charles; 2°S/T. LAMARQUE Léopold; 2°S/T. LECOMTE Jean; 2°S/T. WEBER Charles; 2°S/T. MARLINE Albert; 2°S/T. METCHE Louis; 2°S/T. PICARDY; 2°S/T. DUBRAY; 2°S/T. RIVOIRE; 2°S/T. RENEZ
Office of the transmissions
Sgt. BAUMLIN Paul; Sgt. CHAPLAIN Charles; Cal/Ch. CHARNET Robert; MO. VANDAMME Gilbert; 2°S/T. POIGNON Michel; 1°S/T. BERGALASCO Gabriel; MO. TAG Andre; 2°S/T. DOBREMER Louis; 2°S/T. ANDRIN François; 2°S/T. MARCO; 2°S/T. FRANÇOIS; 2°S/T. ANDREYS; 2°S/T. ARMIS
Non-commissioned officers specialized
Adj. VAUTRIN Georges; Adj/Ch. DUMELIE Etienne; Adj/Ch. BLONDEAU Marcel; Adj/Ch. THOMASSIN Louis; Adj/Ch. GOEDERT Jean; Adj/Ch. KORTZ Florian
Crews of strengthened works
Adj. LASKI Albert; Cal. BOCQUET Georges; 2°S/T. CATTIAUX Pierre; 2°S/T. FARM Daniel; 2°S/T. METZGER Leon; 2°S/T. GELLY Gustave
Adj. LUCIUS Rene; Sgt. SCHERER Albert; Cal/Ch. DUPRET Maurice; MO. CHARON Roland; MO. VICTORIN Rene; 2°S/T. ARLIX Henri; 2°S/T. BOUCOT Robert; 2°S/T. DENEUBOURG Marcel; 2°S/T. GRANDEMANGE Robert; 2°S/T. GONET Maurice; 2°S/T. JOIADE Henri; 2°S/T. LELONG Christmas; 2°S/T. MERTES Mathias; 2°S/T. THOUVENIN Georges; 2°S/T. TRUFFET Eugene; 2°S/T. SLIDING GAUGE Andre; 2°S/T. PIERROT Charles; 2°S/T. MANSION; 2°S/T. Leon WALKED; 2°S/T. VANDEKERKOVE Leon; 2°S/T. DRAPER
Cal. CHRISTIANNY Theodore; 1°S/T. Joseph MIDDLE-CLASS MAN; 1°S/T. BUGNOT Maurice; 1°S/T. POUILLON Roger; 2°S/T. TOURSEL Marcel
Adj. AUTEM Alfred; 2°S/T. BILLIARDS; 2°S/T. GASCOUIN Marcel; 2°S/T. MATHIS Lucien; 2°S/T. SCHWANK Albert; 2°S/T. DENEUCHATEL Maurice
Cal. VANDENHEEDE Henri; MO. PIRUS Joseph; MO. SEGER Andre; 1°S/T. Pierre POKERS; 2°S/T. FOLNY François
Village of COUME
Cal. Pierre BREWER; MO. DEBAILLEUL Emile; MO. SCHUMENG Paul; MO. SIMON Paul; 1°S/T. HOUTH Antoine; 1°S/T. HUMBLOT Robert
Northern appendix of COUME
Cal/Ch. VATIER Robert; 2°S/T. HOTTELET Fernand; 2°S/T. SELINGUE Andre; 2°S/T. PIMEL Andre
1°S/T. BRICLOT Marcel; 2°S/T. RENNER Martin; 2°S/T. CAFFELAIRE Albert; 2°S/T. DAUBY Marcel
Lt Raymond Claisse
Biography of Lieutenant Raymond Claisse
Lieutenant Raymond Claisse during his military service.
Raymond Claisse (1/13/1905 - 9/21/1988) was born in the department from the Meuse where his/her father was gendarme with horse.
After having made to its studies with the college of Bar the Duke it obtains the title of civil engineer of the State.
Then it makes its military service as sub-lieutenant in Mainz, in Germany, with the 42eRG (one is right after the Great War and certain German cities are occupied by the French Army).
Raymond Claisse
Then it directs the research department of the services of Navigation in Verdun. Then it is in charge of the subdivision of Châtillon on the Seine (Gold Coast).
After having carried out one military period on the Maginot Line, in 1939 it is mobilized with the 18eRG and affected with the 202T, lately made up, where it orders the fast section of unfolding.
On order of its Staff, on June 20th, 1940 it deposits the weapons and is made prisoner.
In the convoy of prisoners of war which lead it camp of Sarrebourg to Oflag IIIC where it is interned, it becomes acquainted with the cartoonist Georges Raynault with whom it binds friendship. After war this last will dedicate its book of drawings to him “I am a prisoner”
After a few months of captivity Raymond Claisse is repatriated at the request of the mayor of Châtillon on the Seine. Indeed, the city had been destroyed to 50% during the combat of 1940 and the mayor needed his engineer. However Claisse did not remain less prisoner of war about it and must point regularly at the German military command.
In 1950 it is then in charge of the subdivision of Meknès suburbs in Morocco, until 1956, date on which it returns to France to be in charge of the first work of drain of the Moselle. He will be then divisional engineer in charge of the Service of Public Constructions, then, until his retirement, of the direction of the Northern District of the Infrastructures of the department of the Moselle.